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The Board of Managers held a regular meeting May 12, 2009 in the Mary Hawley Room at Edmond Town Hall, 45 Main Street Newtown, CT. 06470.  Vice Chair Sandy Motyka called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

PRESENT: Sandy Motyka, Marie Smith, Mary Fellows, Jim Juliano
ALSO PRESENT: Building Adminstrator – Tom Mahoney, Building Superintendent – Clark Kathan and one member of the public – Mr. James Gaston.  
ABSENT: Chair Jay Gill and Kathy Madzula.

Public Participation: Mr. James Gaston of 18 Main Street Newtown, CT. was in attendance for this meeting to address the Board of Managers regarding space for a Borough office in the Edmond Town Hall when the current occupants move to the new buildings at the Fairfield Hills Campus, as their location at Town Hall South will no longer be available.
Mr. Gaston stated that the Borough space would require access to a safe and (by request, for meetings) access to an additional room.  Ms. Motyka stated that at this point, no promises have been made in regard to what areas can be used by whom; however, the Board is actively seeking tenants.  The Board needs to be clear on who is requesting space and what requirements they have. Ms. Motyka asked that Mr. Gaston include in his letter to the Board requesting office space, square footage needed, the safe requirements and the additional meeting room.  
Mr. Gaston is to contact Mr. Mahoney regarding the additional information and with a consensus from the Borough Commission members.

Acceptance of Minutes: The minutes of the regular meeting held April 14, 2009 had two corrections as follows. The minutes noted as March 31, 2009 was actually a workshop, and on the second page in the third sentence, the word do should be spelled due.
Ms. Smith moved to accept the minutes as amended.  All were in favor.

The minutes of the Special Meeting held Monday April 27, 2009 had two changes as follows.  Where the Danbury Bank was referred to should be Union Savings Bank of Danbury.  Where the Board discusses Chairman Jay Gill emailing in his vote to change the Trustee should be, Chairman Jay Gill indicated his vote to Change the Trustee from Bank of America to JP Morgan Chase Bank.
Mr. Juliano moved to accept the minutes as amended. All were in favor.

Building Administrator’s Report: Mr. Mahoney reported that the Board has made a donation of $50.00 to a Scholarship Fund in the name of the late Mr. William Honan.
As a follow up report on the Cultural Arts Film festival held in April, the event was very poorly attended.  Ms. Fellows asked if it was well advertised.  Mr. Mahoney stated the event had a fair amount of publicity.  Ms. Motyka added, for the future perhaps the Board should start smaller.  Ms. Fellows stated that it’d still be a good idea for next year because these types of venues need time to grow and gain popularity.
Ms. Motyka asked Ms. Fellows if she might be a liaison between the Board and the Cultural Arts Commission as she is familiar with these types of events.


In other reports, Mr. Mahoney stated that the Edmond Town Hall was voted as a Best Of New England in Yankee Magazine.  Ms. Fellows added that this should be added to any advertising for the Town Hall. The Board was pleased to hear the Town Hall was voted as a “Best Of” in Yankee Magazine.

Building Superintendent’s Report: Mr. Kathan reported that the Air Conditioning is an on going project.  Regarding the Alexandria Room, Mr. Kathan has received three quotes for the Electrical portion of the project.
Ms. Motyka asked where the Board stands with regards to funding for this project. Mr. Juliano stated, per Jane Sharpe, LoCIP funds will not cover certain trades like Electrical.
Ms. Motyka stated that the Board needs to be careful that all bids received are all for the same thing.  Mr. Juliano stated that the quote for the Chandeliers came in at $9585.  
Ms. Fellows added that perhaps something Jane can look into, the possibility of Restoration Grants or funding for old Buildings. Mr. Juliano added that additional grants are available from National Parks associations for the restoration of historic buildings.
Mr. Kathan continued by saying that an Electrical company by the name of American Pride is coming out next week to give an estimate on the project.
Ms. Motyka warned of not taking down the chandeliers because of their fragile state, at least until they are ready to be worked on.
Mr. Kathan suggested to the Board adding some sort of Track or spot lighting in the Stage area in the Theatre. The   Board seemed to be in agreement that this would be a good idea. Additionally, the wall sconces in the Theatre are not working; the short can not be located even with the use of a tracer through the wall.  Mr. Kathan added that the Theatre can be run with out the use of the sconces and they are not a top priority at this time.
Mr. Kathan addressed the Board regarding the Lathrop dance recitals that are coming up in June and there is a possibility that a few additional man hours will be needed for set up, staging and lighting.  Ms. Motyka asked how it has worked in past years. Ms. Fellows suggested, if possible, to have employees stager their normal hours (one person come in early and leave early while another comes in late and stays late to help with the recital), Ms. Fellows also questioned if Lathrop’s might have any volunteers.

Correspondence:  Lisa Schwartz has inquired about the possibility of setting up Kevin’s Community Center in the Town Hall (once available), her space would require sinks and tile work for medical facilities.
Additionally a letter regarding the Change of the Mary Hawley Trustee has been mailed to Irene Moloski of Bank of America (c.c. to Mr. DeMarco of Cohen & Wolfe and First Selectman Joseph Borst).  
Ms. Motyka stated that a representative for the Board will be needed to attend the Selectman’s meeting on May 18, 2009 to ensure that they approve the Trustee Change.  Mr. Juliano stated that he would be able to go.


Ms. Motyka stated that Anna Wiedemann is requesting signage for the VNA.  The Board was in agreement that she should address the Borough regarding that issue.

Bills for Payment:  Ms. Smith moved to approve building bills totaling $8738.99 plus $38.89, Theatre bills totaling $10,600.12, News Times advertising costs totaling $751.00 for a grand total of $20,129.60 for Theatre and building.  The Board agreed to approve the bills for payment; if Ms. Smith finds any discrepancy she will inform the Board.  Ms. Fellows seconded motion.  All were in favor.

Unfinished Business:  Mr. Juliano addressed the Board regarding the Air Conditioning Unit work, a letter has been written by the Structural Engineer and given to McKinney Mechanical, and the permit has been issued. The Crane work is scheduled for this Friday or Monday, the roof has been reinforced, the ticket booth will double as the control room.  Mr. Juliano stated that he is in the process of working on an additional grant due to the efficiency of the new system.

Ms. Motyka addressed the Board regarding the new rate card.  Mr. Juliano moved to approve the new rate card for the Edmond Town Hall for the coming year as worked on during the two work sessions.
Ms. Smith seconded motion. All were in favor.

Ms. Motyka questioned the status of the Military displays.  No new status, however, the Newtown Bee article did help to raise funds and awareness.

Ms. Fellows is to continue with follow up regarding severing contracts with Constellation Energy.  Public Works director Fred Hurley is to fax a letter requesting termination of the current contract.  According to the Town Attorney, the Board may request ending the contract early or if Constellation offers, to renegotiate the contract if given a competitive rate to remain a customer. Ms. Fellows stated that their billing is very hard to follow, between comparing against what is billed from them and CL&P additionally (re:  kilowatt hours).  

Ms. Motyka stated that Ms. Smith should continue work on personnel and to get in touch with Ms. Madzula.

New Business:  Ms. Motyka stated that Ms. Fellows is going to be the liaison between the Board and the Film Festival through the Cultural Arts Commission.  Also, Ms, Motyka addressed the Board on hiring a business consultant to help in understanding what the Board has and the best way to manage it.

Local realtor, John Klopfenstein was contacted regarding rental rates and to help in understanding what the Town Hall has to offer both positives and negatives to prosective tenents.


Ms. Motyka stated that Mr. Klopfenstein has some good ideas and he should be available for the meeting next month.

Ms. Fellows stated that the Board needs to have a map or floor plan of the Town Hall as this would aid in determining square footage available to groups.

Having a foot print of the Town Hall would allow the Board to determine a tentative allotment of space and thus the feasibility for who has requested space so far (who’d be best in what space – depending on requirements).

The Board agreed that Ms. Fellows would write a letter to the Selectmen asking where the Board of Managers will stand once the current Town offices leave Town Hall, as the Board will still be required to house many different Town groups and organizations and basically will still require the assistance from the Town regarding a budget/ funding.

Mr. Kathan is to make a floor plan or foot print of the building, the Board agreed on June 23, 2009 as a tentative date for space allotment.

Ms. Smith is to speak to the C.H. Booth Library regarding their wireless network and how they went about the process and how their overall experience has been since going wireless as this might be a option in the future for the Town Hall.

Comments around the table:
Ms. Smith stated that the Board has gotten a lot accomplished and Ms. Motyka has done a great job facilitating.

Mr. Mahoney, no comment.

Ms. Fellows, no comment.

Mr. Juliano, no comment.

Mr. Kathan stated the energy device was not working to save any additional money and has been given back.

Adjournment: Having no further business, the Board of Managers adjourned their regular meeting at 8:25 p.m.  All were in favor.  

Cayenne Spremullo, Clerk